The One that Saved the Day

Book:  The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

Version: Paperback and Kindle – I mostly use the paperback, but every once in a while I *need* this book (as in an emergency confidence situation) so I have the Kindle version as well.

Description:  This is a workbook that walks the reader very slowly through figuring out what it is that is causing creative blocks.  It’s not denominationally religious, although the author refers to God (and lets the reader define that as they will).  It is deeply psychological (as in digging into yourself) and inspirational.  Also has lots of really good quotes.

When I use:  I try to remember to go through The Artist’s Way every few years just to see how my own journey is changing. (I… err… make notes in the book itself in a different color pen each time through). I also keep it in in my Kindle because it’s a good place to go (picking random pages) when I have moments of faith-in-myself crises (which sounds much worse than it is).

More than anything, this is the book that helped me work though my own writer’s block (see here for the story of that). I’d never heard of Artist’s Way or Julia Cameron before, and then just about the time I realized that I was writing and not finishing books over and over again, Julia Cameron showed up on my radar multiple times.  I love it when that happens!  I bought the workbook and I have finished every single project I’ve started since.